In PA, when a workers’ compensation insurance carrier wants to challenge whether medical treatment is reasonable or necessary, the insurance carrier can request Utilization Review (UR). In such a case, the PA Bureau of Workers’ Compensation assigns the UR Request to a Utilization Review Organization (URO). The URO then obtains records from the provider under review, and a personal statement from the injured worker if he or she wishes, and a Utilization Review Determination is issued. This Determination can then be appealed by either party by filing a Petition to Review Utilization Review Determination.
However, if the healthcare provider under review fails to submit records, the regulations to the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act require the URO simply find treatment unreasonable and/or unnecessary, because records were not submitted. In this situation, no report is prepared by the URO, and no findings on the merits are made. Importantly, this type of Determination cannot be appealed under the County of Allegheny v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board case, decided by Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania in 2005.
Recently, the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania has made things even worse for injured workers, by extending County of Allegheny. The case of Sexton v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (WCAB) was decided by the Court on May 22, 2009. In Sexton, the provider submitted records to the URO, but forgot to submit a verification with the records. The URO returned the records to the provider, so the provider could resubmit the records with the required verification. Unfortunately, the provider never resubmitted the records or the verification.