As discussed in previous blog entries, back in the old days (before the 1996 changes to the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act), if a workers’ comp insurance carrier wanted to cut a claimant’s worker’s compensation benefits, the carrier had to refer the person to an actual job lead. If the job lead did not result in employment, workers’ compensation benefits continued.

In 1996, the system was changed to one more like that used for Social Security Disability. Rather than sending the injured worker to an actual job opening, at an actual employer, a vocational specialist, hired by the insurance carrier, gathers theoretical information and compiles an Earning Power Assessment (EPA, also known as “Labor Market Survey,” (LMS)).

The workers’ comp insurance carrier then can take this EPA/LMS to a Workers’ Compensation Judge (WCJ), and ask that the injured worker’s compensation benefits be modified, based on the jobs shown to be “available” in the general geographic area in which the injured worker resides.

We have seen in recent decisions rendered by the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania a trend toward punishing injured workers in PA who take any type of disability or retirement package, almost, seemingly, without regard for the reasons.

In fact, earlier this month we posted a blog entry regarding Duferco Farrell Corp. v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Zuhosky), where the Court followed this very trend. So, the decision rendered by the Court recently in Polis v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Verizon Pennsylvania, Inc.), was received as a pleasant surprise.

Here, Mr. Polis had injured his knee (and had surgery for the knee). Eventually, Mr. Polis went back to work, at a light duty job. After some period of time, the employer discontinued the light duty work, leaving Mr. Polis without a position within his physical restrictions. As we commonly see in these situations, Mr. Polis investigated what options were available to put food on his family’s table.

Perhaps the most debilitating of conditions we see in Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation cases are ones of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) [Formerly known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)]. The hallmark of this condition is severe and constant pain. Since there is no cure for CRPS/RSD, all doctors can do is try to relieve and manage the chronic pain.

An article in Medical News Today says that researchers at the Pain Research Institute have found that a low dose of intravenous immunoglobin (IVIG) can provide dramatic pain relief for around five weeks in almost half of the patients surveyed. While the research is still in progress, this certainly represents hope for the many folks inflicted with this horrible condition. Also, by understanding how this drug works on the human body, additional treatments could be developed.

As discussed in previous blog entries, for several years now, the Courts in PA have caused decisions by Pennsylvania’s injured workers to have drastic consequences beyond what an injured worker could reasonably expect.

Because of the decision in Pennsylvania State University v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Hensal), rendered by the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania in 2008, the simple act of filing for a pension can easily lead to a loss of workers’ comp benefits for an injured worker.

Well, don’t look now, but Commonwealth Court has struck again. Now, an injured worker who testified credibly that he is NOT retired, that he had NOT filed for a retirement pension from his employer (even though one was available), that he would go back to work if a job was available within his physical restrictions and that he filed for Social Security Retirement benefits only after the workers’ comp insurance carrier refused to reinstate his benefits, has been found by the Court to have voluntarily removed himself from the labor market, ending his entitlement to PA workers’ compensation indemnity (wage loss) benefits.

This being a free Country, a workers’ compensation insurance company in PA cannot “force” an injured worker to get any medical treatment. However, the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act permits the suspension of workers’ comp benefits if an injured worker refuses “reasonable” medical treatment (Known as a “Forfeiture” Petition). Often in those cases, the issue is whether the treatment at issue (anything from carpal tunnel release, to lumbar fusion, to total knee replacement, to epidural steroid injections) is actually “reasonable” in any particular case.

An interesting aspect of this issue was recently examined by the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania in Bereznicki v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Eat ‘N Park Hospitality Group). In that case, the question was whether the proposed treatment had to actually be intended to return the injured worker to gainful employment. In a decision surprising to many, the Court held that the treatment did NOT have to be designed to return the injured worker to gainful employment to lead to a suspension of benefits.

The concept of a “Forfeiture Petition” makes sense; it is designed to keep an injured worker from refusing treatment which would put the injured worker back on the job (in reality, however, I doubt many folks would truly refuse treatment that would make them better, but the insurance industry seems to disagree with me). But, to me, that is the point – the fact the injured worker could return to work.

Under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act, an insurance carrier cannot just stop, or even change, payments of workers’ comp benefits. Any change made by the workers’ compensation insurance carrier in PA, without permission of the injured worker, or a Workers’ Compensation Judge (WCJ), may be met with an assessment of penalties. This leads us into an examination of how an insurance carrier can try to reduce such benefits.

When a workers’ comp insurance carrier receives evidence that the medical condition of an injured worker has changed, the carrier must file a Notice of Ability to Return to Work. The law tells us that this document must be filed before the workers’ compensation carrier can file a Petition to Modify or Suspend (workers’ comp benefits), based on some wage-earning capacity.

In the case of an injured worker actually going back to work, the insurance carrier has a period of time to file a Notification of Modification or Suspension. This document sets forth the allegations regarding the wages now being earned by the injured worker. If this document is not challenged in court by the injured worker, the effect is the same as if the injured worker agreed to the terms recited within the document (as if the injured worker had agreed to those terms in a “Supplemental Agreement.”). If the workers’ compensation insurance carrier does not file the Notification of Modification or Suspension in a timely fashion, then the insurance carrier must file a Modification, or Suspension, Petition and litigate the matter before a WCJ.

From our blog, and our presence in the community, we receive many questions regarding workers’ compensation in Pennsylvania. Just recently, someone sent us an e-mail asking, “Is it a good idea to settle a case?”

Like many aspects of law, there is no easy answer to this question. Settling a workers’ compensation case in PA is a complicated issue. Frequently, there are good reasons to settle a case, and good reasons to wait. Only a discussion of the injured worker’s exact situation provides an answer in each person’s case. Facts in every case are different, as are the injured workers involved.

Even once an injured worker decides that settling the workers’ comp case is the way to go, questions remain. How much is the case worth? Will the medical treatment stay open, even for a short period of time? Will a resignation or release be necessary? Is a Workers’ Compensation Medicare Set-Aside (WCMSA) needed? These and other questions must be addressed as the parties negotiate a settlement.

Typically, in Pennsylvania, a workers’ compensation claim has two important time constraints – a period within which the injured worker must provide notice of the work injury to his or her employer (within 120 days), and a period within which a Claim Petition must be filed with the Bureau of Workers Compensation (within three years). Though this is the rule, there are, of course, exceptions.

In Lancaster General Hospital v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Weber-Brown), the Commonwealth Court of PA was faced with a situation where the eye of an injured worker was exposed to herpes simplex virus around 1980. The injured worker gave notice to her employer at that time, but the claim was never formally accepted. In 1985, the injured worker left that job. Through the years, the eye had occasional episodes of infection.

In 2007, the treatments for an infection failed to work, and the injured worker underwent a cornea transplant. At that point, the injured worker was legally blind in that eye, and there was a loss of use of the eye under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act (called a “Specific Loss”).

When a violation of the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act takes place, the proper avenue of relief is to file a Petition for Penalties. This Petition allows a Workers’ Compensation Judge (WCJ) to assess a penalty of up to 50% of the benefits at issue. Typically, this is filed by an injured worker against the workers’ comp insurance carrier. Common violations include a delayed payment of wage loss benefits, or a refusal to pay for medical treatment related to the work injury.

Until recently, there was no clear answer as to whether a Petition for Penalties could be filed BY a workers’ compensation insurance carrier AGAINST an injured worker. The Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania has now answered this question in Yespelkis v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Pulmonology Associates Inc.). The answer is simply, yes, a Penalty Petition can be filed against a claimant in a workers’ comp case.

However, importantly, while a WCJ can assess a penalty against a workers’ compensation insurance carrier of up to 50% of the benefits at issue, the WCJ is limited to assessing a penalty of a forfeiture of interest against an injured worker. This, the Court said, is consistent with the language of the PA Workers’ Compensation Act.

According to the, Rothman Institute, a highly respected medical practice based in Philadelphia, PA, has now opened a private hospital in Bensalem, PA. The hospital, the first opened by Rothman Institute, will handle only orthopedic conditions. There are 24 beds in the facility, which also contains medical offices.

More information can be found on the website dedicated to the new hospital, known as The Bucks County Specialty Hospital. While this facility is the first hospital opened by Rothman Institute, the practice does have ten offices throughout the Philadelphia area. The headquarters is located at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Center City Philadelphia.

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