Articles Posted in Firm News

On May 30, 2024 and May 31, 2024, the annual Pennsylvania Bureau of Workers’ Compensation “Workers’ Compensation Conference” will take place in Hershey, PA.  Here, attorneys, Workers’ Compensation Judges (WCJs), employer representatives, adjusters, risk management/safety employees and others who work in the world of workers’ comp across the entire State of PA, gather to discuss and learn changes and trends of which they should be aware.

As we do each year, our attorneys will attend the conference this year.  The majority of the attorney attendees at this seminar work for the insurance carriers.  This places us in the minority, but out attendance at this seminar is critical to our ability to properly represent our clients.

By listening while the insurance industry representatives are told about the state of the workers’ compensation laws, and impact of recent cases, we are getting insight into how the insurers will treat different situations.  This helps us understand and anticipate steps and strategies the workers’ compensation insurance carriers may take.  We are also able to have informal conversations with WCJs and defense attorneys, building relationships that may improve communication in future dealings.  We are also learning about any new developments or trends that may have escaped our notice.

Twenty years ago today.  The Incredibles was on the big screen.  Friends and Frasier were both finishing up their long runs on network television (remember network television?).  The Super Bowl that year featured the infamous “wardrobe malfunction.”  And, Brilliant & Neiman LLC was formed to help injured workers’ with their Pennsylvania workers’ compensation cases.

It started with a simple idea.  Form a law firm that dedicated its practice to just PA workers’ compensation.  Do one thing, and do it well.  Don’t have “teams” or levels of support staff that a client must navigate – let the clients talk directly to the attorneys.  Now, twenty years later, our firm is stronger than ever and helping injured workers with their Pennsylvania workers’ compensation cases throughout Southeastern and Central PA.

We are not the official law firm of any sports team.  We do not have the slick marketing departments found at the big assembly line firms.  You will not find our faces gracing billboards on the highway.  What you will find, however, is the personal service that can only be achieved with a small firm dedicated to its limited practice.

We are proud to announce that Glenn Neiman, one of our partners, has been named as Co-Chair of the Bucks County Bar Association’s Workers’ Compensation Section.  This is the second term Mr. Neiman has served in this capacity, previously serving as Co-Chair of the Workers’ Compensation Section in 2010 and 2011.

Joining Mr. Neiman is his fellow Co-Chair, The Honorable Cassi Martin.  The Co-Chairs are looking forward to leading the Section into a productive 2024!  The Section is off to a good start, having put on a successful CLE program, “Ethical Considerations in Virtual Practice: Workers’ Compensation” during the recent Marathon CLE Day presented by the Bucks County Bar Association on December 12, 2023.

Brilliant & Neiman LLC is proud to announce that Dina Brilliant and Glenn Neiman were part of a panel of Pennsylvania workers’ compensation dignitaries for a Continuing Legal Education Seminar, entitled “Ethical Considerations in Virtual Practice: Workers’ Compensation.”  The seminar was presented on December 12, 2023 by the Bucks County Bar Association.  Joining Ms. Brilliant and Mr. Neiman on the panel were Workers’ Compensation Judges Angela Lorenz and Cassi Martin, as well as defense counsel Joseph Turchi.


On May 6, 2023, the Eastern PA-Delaware Region of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society held “Big Climb Philly” at Lincoln Financial Field. The event has raised over $500,000.00 for this important cause. We at Brilliant & Neiman LLC are proud to have one of our attorneys, Glenn Neiman, participate in the event with the team from Angeion Group (a major class action administration firm in Philadelphia). We know that being a good corporate citizen means getting involved with worthy causes. As such, we are proud to support the noble efforts of LLS to help find cures and treatment options for this devastating disease. To learn more about The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, or make a donation, you can visit

On June 1, 2023 and June 2, 2023, the Pennsylvania Bureau of Workers’ Compensation will hold its 22nd annual “Workers’ Compensation Conference.” Here, attorneys, Workers’ Compensation Judges (WCJs), employer representatives, adjusters, risk management/safety employees and others who work in the world of workers’ comp from across the entire State of PA, gather to discuss and learn changes and trends of which they should be aware.

Our attorneys attend this conference nearly every year, and will do so again this year. While we, as attorneys who represent injured workers, are in the vast minority (most of the attorneys who attend this conference are seeking work from the workers’ compensation insurance company representatives in attendance), we feel it is critical to the representation we provide.

By being in the room while the insurance industry representatives are told about the state of the workers’ comp laws, we are getting a peek into their thought processes. This helps us understand and anticipate steps and strategies the workers’ compensation insurance carriers may take. We are also able to have informal conversations with WCJs and defense attorneys, building relationships that may improve communication in future dealings. Not to mention, we are also learning, attending the seminars on such topics as return to work, payment of medical bills, employee mental health (especially post-injury), medical advancements and negotiation strategies.

Yesterday, our attorneys participated in a webinar dealing with the continuing impact the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is having on the Pennsylvania workers’ compensation system.  We have already participated in hearings using Skype for Business, and understand some Workers’ Compensation Judges (WCJs) are experimenting with the WebX platform.  Zoom had been used on occasion, but apparently some security concerns have rendered that unusable for our purposes.

Depending on the case and the situation, some attorneys, and the WCJs, are agreeing to simply delay the testimony of an injured worker for later in the case, hoping we will be able to have in-person hearings again in the somewhat near future.  However, given the uncertainty in timing, there is often a need to move forward, at least with video, in addition to audio.  We believe it is critical for the WCJ to actually see the injured worker testify, since so much comes down to simply whether the WCJ believes the injured worker or not.

Even in ordinary circumstances, the procedures followed by a WCJ vary widely, sometimes even in the same workers’ compensation hearing office.  For this reason, there is a “Judge Book,” detailing the practices and procedures for each WCJ in the Commonwealth.  Now, on the page for each WCJ, you will see “CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE JUDGE’S SPECIAL PROCEDURES DURING THE GOVERNOR’S EMERGENCY DECLARATION DUE TO COVID-19.”  Here you will find how any particular WCJ is handling cases in the current COVID-19 era.

Today, our attorneys participated in a conference call (so as to maintain social distancing) with workers’ compensation attorneys across the State of Pennsylvania, as well as lobbyists, regarding the status of the workers’ comp system in PA as we all deal with the Coronavirus (COVID-19).  We discussed pending legislation in the Pennsylvania House and Senate, as well as how we are all handling cases under the shutdown as ordered by Governor Wolf.

There is legislation being worked upon by PA House Democrats, but nothing substantial is expected to be passed.  The issue that appears most concerning to legislators is making sure those essential workers on the front lines, the doctors, nurses, first responders, and the like, are protected should they develop the Coronavirus (COVID-19).  While this is a noble goal, the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act already does provide protection in such a situation.  As we note on our website, when an employee is exposed to a substance (or disease) in the workplace, and is rendered disabled by the exposure, there exists a valid workers’ compensation case.  We would also note that the healthcare workers are not the only employees on the front lines in this situation.  Workers in grocery stores, like stockers and cashiers, restaurant workers, warehouse people and delivery drivers, just to name a few, are also at risk for catching COVID-19 through workplace exposure.

As to the Pennsylvania workers’ compensation system, cases are continuing to be litigated.  Often this is being done by telephone conference, though some Workers’ Compensation Judges (WCJs) are using videoconference (which is important when an injured worker, or critical witness, is testifying, so the WCJ can better determine whether to believe such testimony).  Since none of us know how long the government-ordered shutdown will continue, it is critical to the system (and the lives of injured workers throughout PA) that cases continue to be litigated.

With all of the attention justifiably focused on the fear and severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, it might be nice for us to change gears, and have a blog post that does not mention COVID-19 (well, doesn’t mention it again!).

The attorneys at Brilliant & Neiman LLC have always been involved in Bar Associations in the counties in which they practice.  In particular, our attorneys are leaders in the Bucks County Bar Association (BCBA), the county in which two of our offices, including our headquarters in Warminster, are located (the other Bucks County office is in Trevose, near Bensalem and Philadelphia).  Both Dina Brilliant and Glenn Neiman are past co-chairs of the Workers’ Compensation Section of the BCBA.

So, it is with great excitement, and pride, that we announce that Dina Brilliant has been named co-chair of the BCBA Solo & Small Practice Section.  As a small firm, we understand the challenges faced by both solo practitioners, and small firms, and Ms. Brilliant looks forward to leading the Section in the coming months.

We are all struggling through an unprecedented time due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).  This global pandemic has infected thousands, and forced the sheltering of millions and closure of businesses across the world (including our offices).  In Pennsylvania, hundreds have already been infected, with experts predicting the spread to get worse, before it gets better.

This condition attacks the respiratory system, and can cause grave bodily harm, especially in those particularly vulnerable.  Disability, and death, can result from this condition.

We have started to receive telephone calls on whether being infected with COVID-19 can be a “work injury” under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act.  The short answer is yes, potentially, such an infection could be considered a “work injury” in PA.  Basically, the typical analysis we use for any potential workers’ comp case would be applied in this type of case.

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