Even an Application for Pension May Cause Impact to PA Workers’ Comp Benefits
Whether an injured worker in PA has “voluntarily withdrawn from the labor market” has been a frequent topic on this blog. There has been a great deal of litigation on this issue in the appellate courts over the past several years. We are seeing that the details and facts in each case really have great meaning for which way the courts may decide.
In City of Pittsburgh v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Marinack), we saw some additional clarification of the relative burdens of proof in this situation. Here, the injured worker, a firefighter, suffered a rotator cuff tear in his shoulder, an aggravation of degenerative disc disease in his lumbar spine, and anxiety and depression. The injured worker filed for a disability pension, but was ineligible because he was terminated for cause.
The workers’ comp insurance carrier filed a Petition for Suspension, alleging that the fact the injured worker filed for a disability pension meant that he was voluntarily leaving the labor market. In such a case, the workers’ comp insurance carrier would not be required to prove job availability to obtain relief. The Workers’ Compensation Judge (WCJ) agreed that Claimant had voluntarily left the labor market. Further, the WCJ found that the injured worker did not prove he was looking for work, so the WCJ granted the Suspension Petition.