
Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Lawyer Blog


For PA Workers’ Compensation, NFL Player Not “Seasonal Employee”

One of the important aspects to the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act (“Act”) is Section 309, which deals with the calculation of the Average Weekly Wage (AWW), controlling the amount of benefits an injured worker in PA will receive.  We have discussed these calculations in previous blog posts.  Additionally, the concept…


PA Workers’ Compensation Maximum Rate Raised to $1,081.00 for 2020

As we have mentioned in the past, unlike Social Security Disability benefits, PA workers’ comp benefits have no cost-of-living increase.  However, the maximum rate of workers’ compensation benefit that an injured worker can receive does increase annually.  Unfortunately, this only affects injuries taking place in the new calendar year.  The…


Pharmacy Must be Given Due Process When Dispensing Medications for Work Injury in PA

We have discussed the Utilization Review (UR) process many times in this blog.  Indeed, UR is such a big issue in the world of Pennsylvania workers’ compensation that we have a section on our website devoted to just this topic.  Basically, UR is the tool used by either an injured…


PA Workers’ Compensation Uninsured Employers’ Guaranty Fund Gets New Legislation

The Uninsured Employers’ Guaranty Fund (UEGF), and its role in the Pennsylvania workers’ compensation system, has been discussed previously in this Blog.  While the UEGF plays under different rules than every insurance carrier that writes PA workers’ compensation insurance coverage, and the UEGF can be incredibly difficult and frustrating to…


PA Workers’ Comp Case Medical Evidence Must Be To “Reasonable Degree of Medical Certainty”

When we litigate a Claim Petition, to obtain PA workers’ compensation benefits for one who is injured at work, we must prove that the person was hurt while in the scope and course of his or her job, and that such injury renders the person disabled.  Almost always, this requires…


Fusion a Pain in the Neck (or Back) for Injured Workers – Adjacent Segment Disorder and Adjacent Segment Pathology

The vast majority of work injuries in Pennsylvania heal with conservative treatment, allowing the injured worker to return both to work, as well as to activities of normal life.  However, there are certainly the more serious injuries, where more invasive medical treatment is required. Often the more invasive treatment options…


Brilliant & Neiman LLC attending Rothman Orthopedic Institute’s Workers’ Compensation Conference

While we are very conscious of being available to our clients as much as possible, the practice of PA workers’ compensation law, and the litigation process, means we are not always in our offices.  Sometimes, in addition to being at workers’ compensation hearings and depositions, our attorneys attend events or…

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