This blog does not address Coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it relates to PA workers’ compensation. Which is good, because I think we are all tired of seeing the words “Coronavirus” or “COVID-19.” Instead, we are looking at a recent decision from the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, wherein the Court looked…
Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Lawyer Blog
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Workers’ Compensation Legislation in PA
Today, our attorneys participated in a conference call (so as to maintain social distancing) with workers’ compensation attorneys across the State of Pennsylvania, as well as lobbyists, regarding the status of the workers’ comp system in PA as we all deal with the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We discussed pending legislation in…
Dina Brilliant, of Brilliant & Neiman LLC, Named Co-Chair of BCBA Solo & Small Practice Section
With all of the attention justifiably focused on the fear and severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, it might be nice for us to change gears, and have a blog post that does not mention COVID-19 (well, doesn’t mention it again!). The attorneys at Brilliant & Neiman LLC have always been…
Affidavit No Longer Required for Notification of Modification or Suspension in PA Workers’ Compensation
As we have previously discussed, within the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act, there lies a trap for unwary injured workers. Actually, there are many traps in the Act, but for today, we’ll just deal with this one. When a workers’ comp insurance carrier thinks (and this is a critical word) that…
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Can Be Work Injury in PA
We are all struggling through an unprecedented time due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). This global pandemic has infected thousands, and forced the sheltering of millions and closure of businesses across the world (including our offices). In Pennsylvania, hundreds have already been infected, with experts predicting the spread to get…
Brilliant & Neiman LLC to Close Due to Coronavirus Pandemic
By now, most Pennsylvanians have heard that Governor Tom Wolf has ordered all non-life-sustaining businesses in PA to close their physical locations, as of 8:00 p.m. on March 19, 2020. Along with this announcement, the Governor’s office released a list of what businesses qualify as “life-sustaining.” Law firms are specifically…
Update on Coronavirus Impact on PA Workers’ Compensation System
***UPDATE 3/17/20*** A statement was issued by Joseph DeRita, Director of the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Office of Adjudication: “As you are all aware, Governor Wolf ordered the closure of all Pennsylvania state government offices for 14 days effective Tuesday, March 17, 2020. All hearings and mediations scheduled during that time…
PA Workers’ Compensation System and Coronavirus
By now, we are all too familiar with the Coronavirus (COVID-19). At this point, governments, individuals and businesses are still evaluating how best to protect each other and ourselves against this pandemic. The Bureau of Workers’ Compensation is largely still open and operating on a normal basis. Hearings are generally…
PA Workers’ Compensation Hearings Moving From Bucks County Courthouse
Pennsylvania workers’ compensation hearings are generally held in each county in the Commonwealth. Some smaller counties may share hearing facilities, while more populous counties may have a second location. The county in which the injured worker resides is typically the county in which hearings will be held, provided the injured…
Refusing a Modified Job Offer Haunts Injured Worker Years After
Ordinarily, reinstating PA workers’ compensation benefits for an injured worker is not a high burden. As we have previously discussed, usually benefits can be reinstated when the reason for the suspension of workers’ comp benefits no longer exists. When the injured worker once again suffers a loss in earnings due…