
Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Lawyer Blog


Injured Worker in PA Entitled to Reimbursement by Workers’ Compensation Insurance for Medical Marijuana

Over the past several years, PA has legalized the use of medical marijuana.  Given the current difficulties in dealing with the opioid epidemic, this would seem to be a reasonable tool to help injured workers (and anyone else suffering from chronic pain) deal with their conditions without the use of…


MRI Results Not Foolproof to Show Extent of Work Injury

If you are a football fan, you may have been following the story about Von Miller, star linebacker for the Buffalo Bills.  The story is also of interest, however, to injured workers, including those in PA.  (Parenthetically, we should note that Miller is, in fact, an injured worker, though the…


Maximum Workers’ Compensation Rate for PA for 2023 Announced

The Pennsylvania Bureau of Workers’ Compensation has announced that the Statewide Average Weekly Wage (SAWW), for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022, is $1,273.00.  Under the PA Workers’ Compensation Act, this means the maximum compensation rate for work injuries sustained on or after January 2, 2023, will be $1,273.00. …


Work-Related Injury Apparently Fully Recovered Before it Began

Under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act, once an injured worker establishes that he or she has suffered a work-related injury, benefits continue until something happens.  That “something” may be the injured worker returning to gainful employment, a doctor finding the injured worker fully recovered, or another change in situation.  But,…


Injured Worker in PA Did Not Voluntarily Leave the Workforce; Suspension of PA Workers’ Compensation Benefits Reversed

One of the pitfalls in the Pennsylvania workers’ compensation system is the concept of “withdrawal from the labor market.” Without intending to do anything but receive additional income, an injured worker in PA can easily cause his or her workers’ compensation benefits to stop accidentally. This is one of the…


When to Settle a PA Workers’ Compensation Case

Perhaps the most frequent question we, as attorneys who represent injured workers in PA workers’ compensation cases, receive is, “When can I settle my case?” Such a simple question for such a complicated issue. An entire page of our website is devoted to this “Big” question, as is part of…


Changes Coming to Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (WCAB)

When one receives a decision issued by a Workers’ Compensation Judge (WCJ) in Pennsylvania, one has the right to file an appeal.  The first level for this appeal is the PA Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (WCAB).  For about the last 50 years, litigating an appeal before the WCAB has been…


Two Additional Workers’ Compensation Judges Named by the PA Bureau of Workers’ Compensation

Coming on the heels of last month’s announcement from the Pennsylvania Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, advising that two new Workers’ Compensation Judges (WCJs) would be taking the bench, we were surprised to hear more hiring news from the Bureau this month.  In addition to the two new WCJs we discussed…


PA Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Names Two New Workers’ Compensation Judges

In recent years, the Pennsylvania Bureau of Workers’ Compensation has been more transparent with the hiring of new Workers’ Compensation Judges (WCJs). While we generally have to rely on word of mouth for the retirement or transfer of a WCJ (to a different workers’ comp hearing office), we can usually…


PA Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Finally Announces Reopening

Nearly two full years after COVID-19 briefly shut down the Pennsylvania workers’ compensation system, and then created a dramatic shift in how litigation was done, the PA Bureau of Workers’ Compensation has announced measures to return to some level of our prior (the old “normal”) operation. It has been since…

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