
Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Lawyer Blog


Philadelphia Workers’ Compensation Judge Named Judge Manager for Southeastern PA

In the Summer 2010 issue of News & Notes, published by the PA Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, Workers’ Compensation Judge (WCJ) Joseph Hagan was named to be Judge Manager for the Southeastern District of Pennsylvania. Judge Hagan has been a WCJ in this district, working from the Philadelphia Workers’ Compensation…


Modification in PA Workers’ Comp, Based on IRE, Does Not Require Job Availability Shown

Back in October, 2009, we noted that the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania accepted the appeal (or, as formally said, “accepted allocatur”) in the matter of Diehl v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (I.A. Construction). This is the case where the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania first found that a PA workers’ compensation…


Workers Compensation and Social Networking

Though workers’ compensation laws vary from State to State, there are some elements which remain fairly constant. Workers’ compensation laws are generally “no fault” statutes (no need for an injured worker to demonstrate negligence), and they generally exclude the recovery of “pain and suffering.” Workers’ compensation systems also are usually…


Compromise & Release Settlement in PA Workers’ Comp Not Enforceable Until Granted by Workers’ Compensation Judge

When an injured worker in PA wants to settle his or her Pennsylvania workers’ compensation claim in exchange for a lump sum of money, the process generally used is the “Compromise & Release Agreement.” This type of workers’ comp settlement is voluntary between the parties. A Compromise & Release can…


Chronic Pain May Be Treated Without Prescription Medications

As Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation attorneys, we see a wide variety of conditions faced by injured workers, from broken arms and legs to Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Brachial Plexopathy, and everything in between. While the conditions plaguing these injured workers vary widely, there is one constant we see in case…


Injured Worker in PA Entitled to Reinstatement of Workers’ Comp Benefits When Earnings Again Lost Due to Work Injury

Under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act, as that set of laws has been interpreted by Courts in Pennsylvania, there has been some confusion regarding when an injured worker can be reinstated to total disability workers’ compensation benefits. For example, an injured worker who returns to light duty work with the…


IME More Than Six Months Old Still Valid in PA Workers’ Comp

Before Labor Market Surveys (LMS)/Earning Power Assessments (EPA), workers’ comp insurance carriers in PA used to actually have to prove a specific job was available to an injured worker in order to modify or suspend workers’ compensation benefits. This changed in the 1996 amendments to the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act,…

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