
Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Lawyer Blog


Injured PA worker Denied Benefits Due to Not Having Transportation

Once an injured worker in Pennsylvania establishes that he or she is disabled from work, due to the work injury, typically the workers’ compensation benefits continue (at the “temporary total disability” rate) until either the injured worker goes back to work, fully recovers, settles the case, or, loses litigation which…


Workers’ Compensation Judge Nathan Cohen Retires

Though we handle PA workers’ comp cases primarily in Southeastern and Central Pennsylvania, we still like to keep a watch on the entire PA workers’ compensation system. It was in this regard that we learned Workers’ Compensation Judge Nathan Cohen, who presided in Pittsburgh, retired from the bench yesterday. We…


Northeast Philadelphia Workers Comp Hearing Office Closing Today

A few months ago, we learned that the Northeast Philadelphia Workers’ Compensation Hearing Office would be closing shortly. We were advised that all hearings for Philadelphia would then be held at the Center City Philadelphia Workers’ Compensation Hearing Office located at 110 North 8th Street. Today, I had a hearing…


Worker Injured During Sex Entitled to Workers’ Comp Benefits

Granted, the decision is not from a Court in Pennsylvania, but, instead, one in Australia. At the same time though, a Court finding that a worker injured while having sex is entitled to workers’ compensation benefits, is one which cries out to be explored. And, the result is not as…


Utilization Review Reform Apparently on the Radar of PA Legislation

Back in July, we warned about potential legislation which is being pushed by the Pennsylvania Chamber of Commerce, and PA insurance carriers, to reform the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation System. We discussed several areas which we anticipate will be targeted. Proposed legislation is likely to appear in early 2013. One area…


PA Workers’ Compensation Seminar

As mentioned here previously, Glenn C. Neiman, Partner at Brilliant & Neiman LLC, was featured in a seminar yesterday in Center City Philadelphia. The seminar was presented by renowned CLE provider Lawline. While Lawline typically specializes in internet CLE programs, this presentation was live (as well as webcast). The program,…


Rights of Illegal Alien to PA Workers’ Comp Heard by PA Supreme Court

As we have previously discussed on this blog, generally speaking, Pennsylvania workers’ compensation benefits are available to every totally disabled injured worker, regardless of whether that injured worker has legal status to work in this Country or not. The issue of legal status does matter, however, when the injured worker…

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