We have previously discussed the Pennsylvania Uninsured Employers Guaranty Fund (UEGF) and how that fund fills in when an employee is injured while working for an employer who failed to carry PA workers’ compensation insurance coverage. The UEGF is certainly an improvement over the way things used to be (when…
Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Lawyer Blog
Doctor Performing IRE in PA Workers’ Comp Must Have Clinical Practice
We have previously discussed the concept of an Impairment Rating Evaluation (IRE) in Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation. By now, our readers know that the IRE is a tool the workers’ comp insurance carrier can use to limit benefits in most cases to a maximum of around 11 and a half years.…
Powerful and Controversial New Pain Medication Available
A common theme we see with work injuries in Pennsylvania, whether with a complex regional pain syndrome, failed back surgery, brachial plexopathy, knee, hip or shoulder replacement, or other permanent conditions, is an injured worker dealing with chronic pain. As a result, we always keep an eye out for new…
Topics to Cover in Our Blog?
You may have noticed that we have not updated our blog as frequently in the past month or so as we had been. For better or worse, there have been no cases from the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania or the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania dealing with PA workers’ compensation issues.…
Medical Expert In PA Workers’ Comp Need Not Be Eyewitness To Claimant’s Disability Throughout Claim Petition
As a practical matter, a doctor is rarely present the instant a person gets injured at work. Similarly, the way litigation is done, a doctor has to testify while the injured worker is still disabled from work. Yet, despite these limitations, doctors routinely testify that the work injury led to…
Chiropractic Treatment Not Reasonable and Necessary in PA Without Lasting Improvement Beyond Other Available Methods
We have discussed Utilization Review in our Blog on several occasions, many times dealing with whether “palliative” treatment (that treatment which relieves pain, but does not change or cure the condition) is reasonable and necessary. This issue, and the timing within which a Utilization Review Determination must be issued, was…
Attending Seminar on WCAIS to Better Handle Workers’ Comp Cases in PA
On Friday, January 24, 2014, our offices will be closed for part of the day so our attorneys, and our staff, can attend a seminar regarding the usage of the new computer system recently installed for the Pennsylvania Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. Called the WCAIS system, this program went live…
Notice of Ability to Return to Work Not Necessary in All Situations
We have dealt before with the Notice of Ability to Return to Work, and when such a document needs to be issued. The general rule is that the document must be issued by the PA workers’ compensation insurance carrier before the benefits can be modified or suspended. As with any…
Injured Workers in PA Have 60 Days to Challenge IRE or Potentially be Forever Barred
Sometimes, we will meet with an injured worker who is already receiving PA workers’ compensation benefits. The injured worker may ask, “Why do I need to have an attorney if I am already receiving benefits?” The answer is that the rights of the injured worker in Pennsylvania can be impacted…
PA Workers’ Comp Judge Erred in Dismissing Where No Prejudice Shown
Workers’ Compensation Judges (WCJs) in Pennsylvania have great latitude and authority vested in them to perform their jobs. They are the ultimate finders of fact, and determiners of credibility. In running their courtrooms, WCJs may extend or shorten deadlines for the submission of evidence, depending on the circumstances. However, the…