You may have noticed the blog being a little more quiet this month. That is mostly due to the absence of cases from the Pennsylvania appellate courts dealing with PA workers’ compensation issues. However, it is also due in part to some things happening with the firm. While we cannot…
Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Lawyer Blog
Burden to Reinstate PA Workers’ Compensation Depends on Time of Injury Job
When an injured worker in Pennsylvania goes back to work, at least with restrictions, he or she has some protection if the work comes to an end. An issue recently addressed by the Commonwealth Court of PA is whether the job one looks at (to determine whether there are physical…
Attorneys Dina Brilliant and Glenn Neiman guest speakers on Berks County Television
Last night, attorneys Dina Brilliant and Glenn Neiman were guest speakers on the television show hosted by Injured Workers of PA on Berks County Television. Prior to addressing the specific topic of the show, “The Most Frequently Asked Questions We Hear,” the two spoke a little about the prospective legislation…
Pennsylvania Wants to Tax Injured Workers, Others, For Legal Fees
If the State of Pennsylvania has its way, soon injured workers, and others who badly need legal services, will have to pay tax on top of those legal services. We find this to be a totally unnecessary kick in the pants to the entire labor market by a government who…
Holistic Medical Treatment Provided in India Not Compensable for PA Workers’ Compensation
We have often discussed the right of an injured worker in Pennsylvania to have medical treatment for his or her work injury. The general rule is that medical treatment is covered by the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act if such treatment is not only reasonable and necessary, but is also related…
Hydrocodone Reclassified – More Difficult to Fill Such Prescriptions
There are many different kinds of injuries and conditions we face in Pennsylvania workers’ compensation matters. One common thread in those injuries and conditions, however, is pain. Often, the pain is to a level that is severe, requiring significant medications to obtain relief. Various types of medications are classified differently.…
PA Worker Injured During Commute Entitled to Workers’ Comp
A frequent topic on our blog is whether a work injury has been suffered in Pennsylvania while the injured worker is in the “scope and course” of his or her employment. These issues often involve an injury taking place on the commute to or from work. As a general rule,…
PA Supreme Court to Address Requirement of Notice of Ability to Return to Work
Previously, we discussed the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania decision in School District of Philadelphia v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Hilton), wherein the Workers’ Compensation Judge (WCJ) granted a Claim Petition, but then suspended benefits due to a job offer, despite the absence of a Notice of Ability to Return to…
Valid PA Workers’ Comp Claim, Even Though Injured Worker Quit Job Before Injury
To have a workers’ compensation case in Pennsylvania, one must suffer an injury while in the scope and course of employment. That phrase, “scope and course,” is not specifically stated in the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act, but is a creation of courts, over the years, interpreting the Act. We have…
Change of Condition Shown in Modification After Termination
Several years ago, injured workers in PA were benefited by the decision of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in the case of Lewis v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board. This case held that a workers’ comp insurance carrier in PA had to prove there was a change of condition of the…