
Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Lawyer Blog


Average Weekly Wage Should Reflect “Economic Reality” of Pre-Injury Job

Since there is no payment for pain and suffering available in PA workers’ compensation cases, the amount an injured worker receives for wage loss benefits is critical. These wage loss benefits are set by the “Average Weekly Wage” (AWW), which is calculated based on formulas found in the Pennsylvania Workers’…


Court Clarifies What is Needed for Physical/Mental Injury Under PA Workers’ Comp

Under Pennsylvania workers’ compensation law, there are three types of mental injuries. The burden of proof is different depending upon which of these types is involved. A mental injury, resulting from a mental incident, known as a “mental/mental claim,” is the one which generates the most litigation. In this type…


WCJ Not Free to Reject Opinion of IRE Doctor in PA Workers’ Comp [DECISION REVERSED BY SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA IN MAY 2016]

****REVERSED BY SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA ON MAY 25, 2016 – SEE UPDATED BLOG ENTRY*****   We have addressed the topic of Impairment Rating Evaluations (IREs) many times in this blog; in addition, we have recently created a page on our website explaining the IRE process in greater detail. As…


Pennsylvania has New Rules for Practice and Procedure in Workers’ Compensation Matters

Recently, we attended a seminar to be briefed on changes in the rules, formally known as the Special Rules of Administrative Practice and Procedure before Workers’ Compensation Judges or the Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (each has a separate set of rules). Since our practice is limited to representing injured workers…


Possible Future Surgery Does Not Prevent Finding of MMI in PA Workers’ Comp

There have been several entries on our blog dealing with Impairment Rating Evaluations (IREs). Some deal with the procedure used by workers’ comp insurance carriers to turn the IRE into a change in status, from total disability to partial. Others deal with the magic 50% level that an injured worker…


Finding of “Abnormal Working Conditions” by WCJ Upheld on Appeal

We have discussed psychological injuries many times in this blog, and bemoaned the additional requirement in Pennsylvania that the injury be caused by “abnormal working conditions” unlike a physical injury. For years, the appellate courts in Pennsylvania have been very strict against finding these “abnormal working conditions.” Often, as in…


Partial Benefits Reduced Due to Resignation Prior to the Work Injury

When an injured worker in Pennsylvania goes back to work, but, due to the injury, suffers a continuing wage loss, the injured worker is entitled to partial disability benefits. Often, the question in these cases revolves around the reason for the wage loss. A recent decision rendered by the Commonwealth…

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