When an employee in Pennsylvania suffers a work injury, he or she is entitled to workers’ compensation benefits as long as the wages of the injured worker are reduced due to the effects of the work injury. That certainly sounds like a simple matter, and a reasonable rule, but, as…
Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Lawyer Blog
Size of Rotator Cuff Tear May Have No Impact on Pain Level
One of the more common injuries we see in Pennsylvania workers’ compensation is a tear of the rotator cuff in the shoulder. We have discussed this kind of injury previously on the blog. This kind of injury can happen suddenly, or it can occur progressively, over a period of months,…
Day of Service for Martin Luther King Day
We at Brilliant & Neiman LLC pride ourselves on providing excellent communication with our clients. We know the injured worker may have questions or concerns, and need to talk to their attorney. So, calls are always returned promptly, so we can be there for our clients. With this in mind,…
Possible Future Surgery Does Not Prevent Finding of MMI in PA Workers’ Comp
There have been several entries on our blog dealing with Impairment Rating Evaluations (IREs). Some deal with the procedure used by workers’ comp insurance carriers to turn the IRE into a change in status, from total disability to partial. Others deal with the magic 50% level that an injured worker…
Finding of “Abnormal Working Conditions” by WCJ Upheld on Appeal
We have discussed psychological injuries many times in this blog, and bemoaned the additional requirement in Pennsylvania that the injury be caused by “abnormal working conditions” unlike a physical injury. For years, the appellate courts in Pennsylvania have been very strict against finding these “abnormal working conditions.” Often, as in…
Partial Benefits Reduced Due to Resignation Prior to the Work Injury
When an injured worker in Pennsylvania goes back to work, but, due to the injury, suffers a continuing wage loss, the injured worker is entitled to partial disability benefits. Often, the question in these cases revolves around the reason for the wage loss. A recent decision rendered by the Commonwealth…
Workers’ Compensation Judges Re-Assigned
We received word from Elizabeth Crum, Director of Adjudication for the Pennsylvania Bureau of Workers’ Compensation that two Workers’ Compensation Judges (WCJs) will be assigned to different hearing offices shortly after the new year. WCJ Michael Hetrick, formerly with the Lancaster hearing office in the Eastern District, will be transferred…
Brilliant & Neiman LLC Blog Wins Top Blog Award
We are so honored to have received word from LexisNexis that our blog has been selected as one of the Top Blogs for Workers’ Compensation and Workplace Issues for 2014. This is the fifth consecutive year we have received this recognition, the sixth time in total. We really are inspired…
Realtor Rehabbing Home Can Become an Employer in PA Workers’ Comp
We have discussed the concept of “Statutory Employer” on this blog in the past. This is something that happens when the direct employer of an injured worker lacks insurance. Most often this is seen in the construction world, where a subcontractor failed to carry insurance, so the general contractor (who…
Medical Opinion Must Specify What Specific Events Cause “Abnormal Working Conditions” For Psychological Injury in PA Workers’ Comp
We have previously discussed that a mental injury (resulting from a non-physical situation) in Pennsylvania must be the result of “abnormal working conditions” to create an entitlement to workers’ compensation benefits. The aspect typically on appeal is whether working conditions were actually “abnormal.” In a recent decision by the Commonwealth…