
Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Lawyer Blog


PA Workers’ Comp Case Can be Precluded by Time Limitations

In law, almost every cause of action has a “statute of limitations.”  This is simply a time within which a cause of action can be brought.  Typically, if a suit or action is not filed within the applicable statute of limitations, the suit or action will be dismissed.  Pennsylvania workers’…


Understanding How Brain Responds to a Placebo May Allow Scientists to Improve Pain Relief for Injured Workers

A recent study from Northwestern Medicine and the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, published in Science Daily, relates that scientists have identified what part of a patient’s brain is triggered during a “placebo effect.”  A “placebo” is a “fake medicine,” which can actually cause real pain relief. We have many injured…


No Real “Change” Needed to Show Termination; Penalty of Zero Correct for Unlawful Refusal to Pay for Surgery

When the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania decided Lewis v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board  back in 2007, we attorneys who represent the injured worker thought things had really changed.  No longer could the workers’ comp insurance carrier file Termination Petition after Termination Petition in an endless series to evade the payment…


PA Employee Injured on Docked Ship Not Entitled to Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Benefits

As we have mentioned several times on this blog, and even discussed on our website, most employees in Pennsylvania are covered under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act.  However, different groups of employees fall outside this coverage for various reasons.  One of those groups, employees who work in maritime industry, was…


Presumption of Work-Relatedness of Cancer Suffered by Firefighter Examined

***********SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA HAS ACCEPTED APPEAL – UPDATE WILL FOLLOW WITH DECISION********   Under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act, injured workers in PA are protected against most types of injuries or conditions.  One thing specifically noted is a category of “occupational diseases.” These cover ailments found predominantly in a…


Pennsylvania Supreme Court Reverses Commonwealth Court in Rhodes Case – Workers’ Compensation Judges Have Final Say on Credibility, Even in Impairment Rating Evaluation Cases

Back in February, 2015, we posted a blog entry expressing our disappointment in the decision rendered by the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania in the matter of IA Construction Corporation v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Rhodes).  We are now delighted to relate that the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, the top appellate…


Annual Pennsylvania Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Seminar

While I apologize to my clients for not being available for the last couple of days, I think you will agree that the absence was for a good cause.  For the last several years, I have attended the Annual Pennsylvania Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Seminar, which was held earlier this…

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