
Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Lawyer Blog


WCAB Must Provide Explanation For Changing Award of Disfigurement Benefits by WCJ

Facial disfigurement is the only aspect of the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act under which a Workers’ Compensation Judge (WCJ) has the discretion to award anywhere from zero to 275 weeks of workers’ compensation benefits.  Since such injuries can range from barely noticeable to tremendously disfiguring, these cases vary widely in…


Post-Protz Decision from Commonwealth Court of PA – The Good and the Bad

Since the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania set the PA workers’ compensation system abuzz in the Protz case by striking the entire Impairment Rating Evaluation (IRE) section from the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act (Act), we have waited to see some appellate decision interpreting Protz.  The Commonwealth Court of PA has now…


Requirement to Give Notice of a Work Injury in PA is Triggered With Knowledge of Injured Worker

“Notice” of a Pennsylvania work injury is an issue which we have previously addressed in this blog.  Essentially, an injury must be reported to the employer within 21 days to have benefits date back to the first day, and within 120 days of the injury to have an entitlement to…


Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and Brachial Plexopathy in PA Workers’ Comp

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) and Brachial Plexopathy are two conditions we see representing injured workers in Pennsylvania.  These conditions were recently in the news in the Philadelphia area, with the report that Phillies pitcher Vince Velasquez underwent surgery for TOS in the previous offseason.  Indeed, it is not an uncommon…


BCBA Celebrates Law Day with Seminar Addressing the Three Branches

Last week, we were fortunate enough to be in attendance as the Bucks County Bar Association presented a seminar addressing the three separate branches of government, as a celebration of Law Day.  Listening to presentations from each of the branches provided fascinating insight to see how government works, from the…


Workers’ Comp Legislation Attacking Medical Care for Injured Workers Struck Down by Wolf

Recently, we discussed the status of Senate Bill 936, which was passed by the House.  We are pleased to relate that Governor Thomas Wolf has vetoed this legislation, recognizing that it was a thinly disguised attack on injured workers and not a solution to any problem. As discussed in the…


Injured Workers in PA About to be Denied Necessary Medications

Previously, we have warned of the pending legislation that will restrict the access of injured workers across the State of Pennsylvania to get medications they need.  Now, thanks to the House passing Senate Bill 936, the legislation heads to the Governor.  It is not bad enough that innocent people suffered…

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