As we have previously mentioned, the Pennsylvania Bureau of Workers’ Compensation rarely provides official or formal notice regarding the addition or subtraction of Workers’ Compensation Judges (WCJs) in the Commonwealth. As usual, it is up to us to point out these changes, from our contact with other attorneys, and from…
Articles Posted in Worker Comp Generally
Attorney Glenn Neiman Acting as Moderator for Continuing Legal Education Seminar
We are proud when our attorneys are asked to participate in continuing legal education seminars. Being invited to help educate other lawyers can only be viewed as a tremendous compliment. And, so we are pleased to relay that one of our attorneys, Glenn Neiman, has been invited by the Workers’…
Injured Workers’ Rights to Medical Treatment in PA
Just the other day, an injured worker called us, complaining that their employer refused to send them to a “workers’ compensation doctor.” It seems that there is more confusion in this area than in many within the complicated world of Pennsylvania workers’ compensation. While medical treatment for the work injury…
Settling a PA Workers’ Compensation Case
One of the frequent questions we are asked is regarding the settlement of a Pennsylvania workers’ compensation claim. In fact, there is a page on our website just devoted to settlements. When considering whether to settle his or her case, there are several things an injured worker should consider. Initially,…
UEGF Forms Now Available on WCAIS System
In past blog posts, we have discussed the Uninsured Employers’ Guaranty Fund (UEGF). This is the safety net available for workers who have been injured while working for an employer who (in violation of Pennsylvania law) fail to carry PA workers’ compensation insurance. While the UEGF does give these injured…
Injured Workers Receive Practically No Value From Personal Injury Cases
Ordinarily, workers’ compensation in Pennsylvania is an “exclusive remedy.” That means, the typical injured worker in PA cannot sue anyone for his or her injuries, and only has benefits under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act (Act) available. There are exceptions when the injury was caused by the negligence of a…
Prescriptions for Pennsylvania Injured Workers Under Attack
House Bill 18 has made it out of committee and is expected to be voted on early next week (Tuesday). This bill would drastically change how injured workers in Pennsylvania would get their medications (and what medications they could get). Basically, the Bill introduces “Evidence-Based Medicine” to PA workers’ compensation…
PA Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Seminar
As we have done in the past, our attorneys will be at the Pennsylvania Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Conference in Hershey, PA, on June 12th and 13th. This is the one annual program run by the Bureau itself. There is a large attendance by adjusters, risk management and safety officials,…
Findings of Fact, and Determinations of Credibility, Made by PA Workers’ Compensation Judge Difficult to Change on Appeal
As attorneys representing the injured worker in Pennsylvania, there is a call we get far too often. It starts with the injured worker telling us that they lost their case before the Workers’ Compensation Judge (WCJ) and need assistance in litigating an appeal before the Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (WCAB). …
Utilization Review in PA Workers’ Compensation Will Have to be Filed Electronically
We have discussed the role of Utilization Review (UR) both on our website and on our blog. This helps demonstrate how important this concept is in the Pennsylvania workers’ compensation system. As the Bureau’s Workers’ Compensation Automation and Integration System (WCAIS) takes an increasingly bigger role in the practice of…